Vegetarian and Ayurvedic Recipes offered monthly
fb - *Yogini Sri* +34/669 043 993
- Learn- hands on
- Gear up- bring your apron, knife and cutting board
- Make a complete meal & Enjoy it too!
- Explore different tastes
- Fresh & healthy food to fit your constitution
- Learn food combining for better health
- Balance your mind & body with food
Feta cheese with flat bread
Salad Shirazi
Yogurt with Cucumbers
Plain Basmati Rice
Basmati Rice with Dill& Lima Beans
Creamed Eggplant
Fresh beverages
Variety of Fresh Fruit
Where Yummy Greets the Tummy!
Please contact Gayle at The Dojo to sign up Now!
fb - *Yogini Sri* +34/669 043 993